884. Another mass psychosis
884. Another mass psychosis

884. Another mass psychosis

Vienna 03/12/2025

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In yesterday’s article Back to mass psychosis – (source) on the Austrian platform Tkp.at, we read:

Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet attracted worldwide attention during the Covid pandemic with his “mass formation theory”. He provided a theoretical basis for how it was possible for society to slip into a mass psychosis, which obviously declared completely irrational things to be the ultima ratio and literally persecuted critics as in the days of witch-burning. Desmet now sees a slide back into the mass formation of collective psychosis.

The similarities between the World War and the threat posed by the coronavirus and the war in Ukraine are so clear that we cannot speak of coincidental, historically unconnected events.

The same methods to stir up unfounded fears in the population.

Why were even those who were terrified by the viral threat five years ago unwilling to accept other invented pandemics such as monkeypox? Because the limit of fear had already been reached. A saturation effect had set in, and adding new medical reasons to be even more scared did not have the expected effect. Instead of panic, the idea of monkeypox triggered gales of laughter.

According to the German Minister of Health:
Vaccinated people have a smoother third world war!

The situation is different when the danger of a war beyond Ukraine’s borders is propagated to the West. There is still room for irrational fear here – if you put aside the previous panic.

And so every 100 years… brainwashing…, reset… familiar climate.
Source: Telegram 5.03.2025. 14:02.

The worst-case scenario for the Eurocrats would be peace in Ukraine without the participation of European “representatives”. But since they are so adamantly defending the war as if it were about Europe’s “independence”, they exclude themselves from participating in these talks. No, they are not fools, they are pawns moved by panicked globalists.

Game over for the admirers of the United States of Europe – a single state called Europe. A state without history, without culture and without strong, united nations. It is a concept that was doomed to failure from the outset. We are witnessing the last nails being hammered into the coffin of a politically united Europe with a harsh, unrelenting voice the size of a radish.

We’re all going to die because of global warming: and more money goes to the green economy.
We will all die because of COVID: and more money goes to the pharmaceutical companies.
We’re all going to die because of the Russian invasion: and more money goes to the defense industry.
They think we’re stupid, and many of us really have become so….
Simone Pillon.

Cheer up – the ship called Europe will not sink after all! Unless we sink it ourselves.

There are studies that show that we are not going down.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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