872. Homo Trumpus
872. Homo Trumpus

872. Homo Trumpus

Vienna 02/25/2025

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Another entry in the Homo series… Today is a day in the life of a Donald Trump supporter.

As I do every day at dawn, I was awakened by the loud sound of the alarm clock playing YMCA. I love this song! There’s so much positive energy in it, it’s a pleasure just to get out of bed. Since Trump’s election victory last November, the world has become beautiful again after the bleak years of Biden madness.

Four years ago, in January 2021, when we came to the Capitol to support Trump after a rigged election, congressional security opened the doors to the building and even invited us in. So we went in. Then thousands of us were locked up because of the coup. I was lucky I didn’t fall into the eye of a camera lens. Some were not so lucky and served four years for nothing.

01/06/2021 r. Armed to the teeth with smartphones, the coup plotters have taken over the Congress building.

Even I – perhaps the biggest MAGA supporter – was surprised by the massive attack on the stinking corruption swamp immediately after Trump was sworn in. I know it’s not nice to gloat when someone cries, but somehow I have no sympathy for these mindless Deep State accomplices.

Kristina Dryer (L), worked for USAID for two years. She wipes away tears as she watches the US Agency for International Development sign being removed from the facade of its headquarters in Washington DC on February 7, 2025.

The mass migration continues. Only the destination of the migration has changed.

Last steps on US territory.

Hooray! We only have two genders again: men and women. And nothing else. There are still a handful of mentally disturbed people who feel like a dog, a radiator or a pair of scissors. The psychiatrists will have no shortage of work.

The climate hysteria promoted by US Vice President (1993 – 2001) Al Gore is over. Trump has put together an excellent cabinet of people he can finally trust. The USA is the first country in the world to withdraw twice from the criminal WHO organization.

Regardless of the unfounded but probably sincere wishes of the puppets of the European Union, the war in Ukraine is about to end, and these fools have no say in the matter.

This is how Macron and Starmer’s visit to Donald Trump ended, as the Times reports.

I went to work today in such a good mood. My office where I work is located near the Ronald Reagan building where USAID used to be headquartered. After the obligatory morning coffee, I start my work by reading my e-mails. Among the emails, I find one sent by DOGE.

What did you do last week? – If you don’t reply, you will be dismissed from your post.

ME??? That’s impossible. I am the most ardent supporter of MAGA. After all, they can’t just sack me because I struggle to remember who and what topic I discussed with last week! However, it is necessary to sit down with colleagues and find out what we ‘worked on’ in the office.

Steve L. in the next room has already read Musk’s email. He is a staunch Democrat. He voted for Kamala Harris and it didn’t work out. Now, like me, he’s sweating with anxiety and wondering how he’s going to pay his mortgage?

Hey Steve – we have to come up with something to make this ultimatum a credible write off – I said.

You? You’re their (the Republican’s) plug in our office, after all.

They can fire me too, so instead of arguing, it would be better for both of us if we responded to this email in a similar fashion. We can argue later if we managed to save ourselves from being fired.

I learned how to negotiate by looking at Trump’s methods. And so we came to an agreement. About what? I won’t tell you, I still want to work here after all.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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