Vienna 01/27/2025
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The Colombian president has refused to allow deportation flights from the USA to land in his country. It took him less than 50 minutes to change his mind and “voluntarily” make his presidential plane available for deportation flights. What did this look like in practice? We can read about it on Truthsocial in Donald Trump’s post (source):

Colombian President Gustavo Petro will certainly not become another Che Guevara, not even a replacement for Fidel Castro. The revolutionary spirit left him immediately when he realized how much he stood to lose. Political blackmail has often been used by Trump. I have no intention of defending such methods of exerting pressure. But I do understand the motives behind such actions. Does the end justify the means? That is the question! It doesn’t justify them – it explains the reasons behind the behavior. So we are not going to resolve this dilemma here.

Year 2025 test of courage: entering the pool.
The removal of millions of illegal immigrants cannot be handled with kid gloves. The vast majority of them certainly don’t have a bloody knife in their pocket. They were organized to stay in the States and are now threatened with deportation. Who organized this for them? The ideologues of depopulation – the globalists. These migrants are a weapon directed against the US. Since Israel can murder civilians in Gaza, it is certainly not inhumane to deport migrants. This is warfare – the defense of one’s territory without killing enemy combatants.

That’s something no amount of money can buy. And bombs are falling next door.
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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