Vienna 12/14/2024
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After the assassination of the second Kennedy brother on June 5, 1968, the press in the US and around the world wrote about the doom that hovered over the Kennedy family from the state of Massachusetts. We would soon find out who planned and executed this curse.
Donald Trump, the president-elect, has already promised Kennedy Jr. his support in the investigation. After he takes office, a new presidential commission is to release the last sealed documents on the assassination. Particularly explosive: RFK Jr. not only suspects the hand of the CIA behind the murder of his uncle, but also behind the assassination of his father Robert Kennedy in 1968. In a sensational interview with Tucker Carlson in August 2023, he explained why he believed the CIA was capable and motivated to commit both murders. Source.
They say money makes the world go round. If we look closer, it could be that the world is ruled by mythical creatures. Donald Trump’s takeover of the White House will take place in 37 days. We will certainly learn more truth about fairy tales, but will we learn the whole truth?

We were taught that John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the Corsican mafia. It is possible that they were involved. The important question, however, is who planned, ordered and organized this assassination. Until now, it was said that the madman Oswald himself carried out the assassination attempt on the US President with a magic bullet, wounding a person who was not in the line of fire.
Shortly after John F. Kennedy’s death, we learned that North Vietnamese fishing boats had attacked a US Navy ship, which was the official reason for the decades-long Vietnam War. The assassinated president was a staunch opponent of that war.
We were used to explaining that only the assassins’ passports would be saved after the plane crashed into a skyscraper, and that Al Qaeda was behind it. The same one that has just taken power in Syria with the help of the USA and Israel.

We believed the tales of man landing on the moon. A Hollywood hoax, filmed in Nevada. After more than half a century, modern technology does not allow such a journey to be repeated. US President Richard Nixon talks to astronauts on the “moon” via an ebonite cable telephone.

Once JFK Jr. is US Secretary of Health and Human Services, new plandemics will have a hard time gaining acceptance.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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