Ostrzeszów/Poland 12/09/2024
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On November 19, 2024, the Italian Coronavirus Investigation Commission questioned Antonio Porto, a high-ranking Italian police officer and police union activist (OSA), about the world-famous military action in Bergamo (northern Italy) in March 2020. Media around the world showed shocking images of a large military convoy carrying coffins with the Covid-19 dead through the streets of Bergamo.

On December 7, an article appeared on Reitschuster.de: The truth behind the Bergamo truck photos. Were the shocking scenes from the coronavirus era a perfidious staging? Source.
Antonio Porto revealed a detail there that seems so incredible that it is hard to believe: each of the military trucks carried only a single coffin. Testimony of Antonio Porto in Italian.
These scenes with the convoy of the dead were perhaps the strongest argument to convince everyone of the great threat posed by the coronavirus. Now, more than four years later, it is coming to light that this was staged to create widespread panic.

First, I think independently, and second, I am indifferent to what others think of me.
The mortality statistics in Bergamo have clearly been manipulated. It is impossible for the entire pandemic and the associated deaths to be limited to a single week during the pandemic, which lasted more than 100 weeks.

COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – which was officially recognized on the World Economic Forum website over two years ago.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com
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