Vienna 11/29/2024
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The “deep state”, also known as “shadow state” or “state within a state”, refers to powerful illegitimate power structures, mostly networks of the military-industrial, political, economic and secret service complex, which have undermined a state or a government and secret ( exercise state power. Some people talk about this underworld of exercising power beyond any accountability as “deep politics.” Nevertheless, this is exactly what is still being pushed into the conspiracy corner in order to keep these same networks in the dark from the public. Quote from yesterday’s article on Report24: Deep state murders and secret politics: “Concealment, deception and camouflage”. Source.
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy and his brother, the “accident” of an airplane near Sao Paolo, the “suicide” of Andreas Noack, the sinking of the Titanic, the “car accident” of Austrian FPÖ leader Jörg Haider in October 2008 – this is just an abbreviated list of crimes committed on behalf of the Deep State. A historian would have to mention the death of Julius Caesar here, as well as several pharaohs who stood in the way of the gray eminences of antiquity.
The Deep State is a complex phenomenon in which all centers of power of practically all states are involved.

The actual client and organizer of the production of Covidian biological weapons of mass destruction.

Unsurprisingly, the deep state has tried to get rid of Donald Trump in its now classic way. They simply pointed a gun at him. No wonder Donald Trump has declared war on the Deep State. We are all waiting for the new US president to be sworn in in January. Only then will the real fight to the death against the deep state and its supporters begin. The danger of an assassination attempt on the president’s life will by no means disappear after that. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in the third year of his presidency. Other members of the new government are also potential candidates for death.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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