Vienna 11/19/2024
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It is now more than four years since I stood in front of the grandstand in Berlin where the current US Secretary of Health and Human Services designate RFK (Robert F. Kennedy Junior) repeated the famous words spoken by his uncle John F. Kennedy in West Berlin on June 26, 1963: “Ich bin ein Berliner” – I’m a Berliner.

This was the second demonstration in August 2020 and the biggest yet in Berlin. After half a year of sudden terror, it managed to gather millions of demonstrators, most of whom, like me, had come to the German capital for this purpose. We owe these demonstrations to a man who showed a lot of civil courage by getting involved in the protests and organizing the Querdenker grassroots movement. His name is Michael Ballweg.
The German authorities arrested Michael Ballweg on 29.06.2022 on charges of embezzling donations for the Querdenker movement. He remained in custody until 4.4.2023. A political trial (source) is currently underway against him for the reasons mentioned above.
A week ago, on November 12, there was a turnaround in the trial and an embarrassment by the public prosecutor: the public prosecutor didn’t know that Michael had filed a tax return after his release from prison. She wanted even less to know the losses listed therein. Your current indictment is based on fabricated six-figure winnings that were never properly determined.
This day of the trial also confirmed the impression of a thoroughly political trial: someone who dared to demonstrate against lockdowns should be jailed at all costs in order to deter others.

Michael Ballweg is not the only one to be politically persecuted by the German apparatus of totalitarian jurisdiction. In February of this year, I wrote an article about Reiner Füllmich, who has also been imprisoned for over a year under the pretext of embezzlement.

The heart symbol is for the squirrel, it does not apply to political repression in Germany.
Sometimes I ask myself – and I’m sure I’m not the only one – whether it’s worth radically changing the way and place I live. For example:

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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