Vienna 10/26/2024
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Another large scientific study showed that by September 2023, people all over the world would die from the so-called mRNA vaccinations 16.5 to 17.5 million people. In the article published yesterday on the platform: Calculated for a large study: over 17 million vaccination deaths worldwide a year ago (source), it can be read:
By applying the vDFR (vaccine dose fatality rate) to the approximately 13.5 billion vaccine doses administered worldwide, the study estimates approximately 17 million vaccine-induced deaths, representing approximately 0.213% of the global population.
How easy it was for us to get used to the sudden and unexpected death of young athletes, heart attacks in children, turbo cancer and thrombosis. Before 2021, there was practically no such tragic information.

The era of absurdities we have reached is nothing new. Just listen to people who remember a similar era in the GDR.

Many of us have no idea that we are in the midst of a cruel, hidden war. Those 17 million people did not have to die prematurely. If we add to that the victims of diseases caused by “treating” disease symptoms with patented chemicals falsely labeled as medicines, the victims of recent wars or climate hysteria combined with man-made disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or cities brutally burned down with energy weapons – then the casualty figures will be much closer to the known effects of two world wars.

The most important war, however, is the war for our minds. Our reaction to world events depends on how we think. Most people who blindly repeat the TV agenda are convinced that these are their own thoughts and beliefs. Beliefs, yes, but not your own, but secretly smuggled in by appropriately trained manipulators who work in the media sold to globalists.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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