773. They danced and clapped
773. They danced and clapped

773. They danced and clapped

Vienna 10/16/2024

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Remember when the TV brainwashed 95% of the population into believing they were living through a deadly pandemic, even though the hospitals were so empty that medical staff spent hours filming asinine dance routines out of sheer boredom? Source.

The overcrowded hospitals shown on television and the “overheard” conversations between stray ambulance drivers and emergency services, supposedly sent away from hospitals due to a lack of beds, were designed to spread panic and convince those who were unconvinced of the need to inject the mRNA substance that causes death and serious illness. It was also a test of how far we can go in taking away the freedom our ancestors had won for us. All this for a higher value, which is supposedly public health. The mass closures of hospitals and the fraudulent manipulation of the number of beds in intensive care units clearly show how important public health is to the ruling puppets of globalist enslavement.

Meanwhile, hardworking service workers dance and clap for a unique and imaginary disease.

They danced on graves where people had been deliberately treated to death using poorly adjusted ventilators, using new procedures. They clapped and propagated the deadly elixir of happiness – a genocidal preparation for weapons of mass destruction in the war against humanity.

Like any war, the Covid war left millions dead and many more seriously injured. What was new was killing opponents not because they speak the enemy’s language, but because they belong to a population that must be decimated in order to save the “overpopulated” planet Earth.

The dancing clapsters must have been aware of this nonsense. They worked hard in empty Covid hospitals and created choreographies for these films. Just like famous actors and athletes who promote the miraculous “vaccine” in front of TV cameras, these dancing clowns are responsible for millions of human tragedies. For dying alone, without the possibility of contact with loved ones, for denying necessary operations to children whose parents were not vaccinated. For the dance of death – deceiving the viewer with a false message, calling for submission to the medical dictatorship.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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