765. The beginning of the end of global dictatorship
765. The beginning of the end of global dictatorship

765. The beginning of the end of global dictatorship

Ostrzeszów/Poland 10/05/2024

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Next month, on November 5, the US presidential election will take place. Former US Secretary of State in President Donald Trump’s administration, Mike Pompeo, a Republican and supporter of globalism, said in a conversation with an “African politician” whose role was played by well-known Russian comedians Lexus and Vovan, “We must bring Russia back to the side of the West.”

Excerpt from the conversation.

This look at the rapprochement between Russia and China, provoked by the Democrats, shows the mindset of US politicians. Both parties see the battle for the presidency as a battle between good and evil and assign characteristics to both parties depending on their party affiliation. In foreign policy, what the US government has achieved is much more important than which party is in power.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told a funny story. In his book, he accused Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that in 2017, when Johnson was Foreign Minister at the time, Netanyahu used the toilet during a visit to Johnson’s house and allegedly personally installed a listening device there, which was discovered immediately afterwards.

Boris Johnson’s Explosive Claim: Netanyahu Bugged My Bathroom!

Did the Prime Minister, who heads the best intelligence service in the world, really need to personally listen in on his “friends”? Anything is possible, including the fact that Johnson made up this story.

Warum verfolgen die Medien unermüdlich ihre Lügen oder nicht ihre? Sie propagieren nur eine richtige Idee und nennen sich zu Unrecht Journalisten, sie haben eine zusätzliche Motivation, bei dieser Lüge zu bleiben. Nach dem Fall des globalistischen Terrors werden auch sie fallen. Nur die Ehrgeizigeren ändern ein paar Wörter in den Texten, die sie per E-Mail erhalten. Vielleicht können sich diese Leute zumindest daran erinnern, worum es bei authentischem Journalismus geht. Lügen werden in Zukunft wertvoll sein. Allerdings wird es viele, oft widersprüchliche Interpretationen der Phänomene geben. Eine solche Gedankenvielfalt ist diesen korrupten Funktionären der Medienkonzerne fremd.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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