761. Defeat of the globalists
761. Defeat of the globalists

761. Defeat of the globalists

Vienna 09/30/2024

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In three German local elections, the anti-establishment AfD party won major victories. The united “defenders of democracy” parties are doing everything, even against the rules of democracy, to prevent the “extreme right”, which is actually a conservative party, from taking power. Following Orwell’s principle: war is peace, a lie is truth and a vaccine is health – the latter was not even invented by Orwell – they are introducing totalitarian plans to enslave the nation.

Parliamentary elections took place in Austria yesterday. The Austrian anti-globalization party FPÖ, the sister party of the AfD, took first place, almost 3% ahead of the ÖVP, which governs with the Greens.

In Austria, as in Germany, system-globalist unity parties, which only differ in color, have been trying for years to build a firewall against the FPÖ. Mainstream propaganda using the Nazi cudgel against the party led by Herbert Kickl did not help.

You are the boss – I am your tool.
FPÖ election poster.

In a discussion on this topic, the Austrian political commentator Gerald Grosz told the following story, I quote from memory: In one of the schools in Styria, a teacher asked the children which party they would vote for if they had the right to vote? One student said he would vote for the Nazis. The class was completely dismayed. When the teacher asked for an explanation, the student said he had heard on television that the FPÖ was being called Nazis, and he was pleased that someone was finally addressing the issue of illegal immigrants in Austria and was against the war in Ukraine.

This is how it works. If the system parties make preventing the FPÖ from taking power the top priority in their political programme, it is no wonder that this party wins.

If Kickl becomes Austrian Chancellor, we can expect a return to the traditional rules from the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Viktor Orban is a prime example of a politician who fights not only for peace in Ukraine, but also for the preservation of the sovereignty of nation states in Europe. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni awoke from her lethargy after two years and declared the fight against illegal migration.

The foundations of the European Commission have been shaken.

I have often heard claims that literally all politicians, including Viktor Orban and Donald Trump, tacitly support the globalists and are only trying to deceive naive voters on the wave of opposition to globalism. They present selected past decisions of politicians that were beneficial from Davos’ point of view. Viktor Orban was educated in Davos in 1993, Donald Trump accepted Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The world is not black and white. This is war – but not people. A good example is the American President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated by the CIA 61 years ago. He was definitely a positive figure, but if you want to hit someone, there’s always a stick there.

John F. Kennedy ordered 1,200 Cuban cigars just before the embargo was imposed.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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