760. Doctor or medical quack?
760. Doctor or medical quack?

760. Doctor or medical quack?

Vienna 09/29/2024

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Before you go to the doctor, ask yourself one question: are you going to a doctor or a medical quack? What is the difference? Let me start with the similarities: both have completed medical studies and have the relevant knowledge required by the medical associations. They regularly attend medical training courses and most of them try to do their job as well as possible, at least in their opinion.

The difference is that the medical quack uncritically accepts all the information that is given to him during his studies and later. The doctor, however, checks – he does not naively believe in the scientific basis of medicine. The doctor researches and finds out what the scientific research that is presented in medical textbooks in an overly one-sided way actually looks like. It is not easy at all, if only because:

I first heard about this doctor-medical quack difference in a German-language video recently published on YouTube:

This is definitely something you need to know when going to the doctor! -Dr. med. Michael Spitzbart.
English subtitles can be turned on.

The humorous yet serious approach to the topic of modern medicine piqued my interest.

If you drop a fork on the floor in a restaurant, don’t ask the waiter to replace it with a clean one – that fork has just been vaccinated!

Or the purpose of mammography:

2,000 women would have to undergo mammography every year for 10 years for even one to benefit.

A good example of the futility of symptomatic treatment – ​​the most commonly used strategy in medicine:

Imagine that you are driving your car on the highway and suddenly a red light comes on on the dashboard. In such a situation, the best tactic from a medical point of view is to take the chewing gum out of your mouth and cover this red monster so that it does not bother the driver. This is how doctors work today: they “treat” symptoms without investigating the causes of the disease. God forbid such heresy as the causal treatment of diseases! Medical quack, like their partner – the pharmaceutical mafia – do not want the patient to recover and stop enriching him.

Difference between physicists and physicians:

A physics student is told that he must memorize a set of physics formulas. Why, he asked? I know where to look when I need them. A medical student is ordered to memorize the phone book of his town. The student asked: When is the exam? It is no wonder that universities produce 90% of medical quacks and 10% of doctors.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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