752. Terrorist Parasite
752. Terrorist Parasite

752. Terrorist Parasite

Vienna 09/21/2024

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The State of Israel, located in Palestine, is a terrorist organization that has given orders to the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). The government of Benjamin Netanyahu has set itself the goal of a “final solution to the Palestinian question,” just as at the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, when the Nazis planned the final solution to the Jewish problem.

The Israeli nation, once so deeply affected by the German Holocaust, recognizes what a planned genocide according to ethnic criteria is.

According to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), there have been an average of 113 protests per month across Israel since October last year. Source.

Mass protests seem to have no effect on the Israeli government, which only cares about the argument of brute force. In this way, political stabilization in the Middle East is impossible. This is proven by the history of armed conflicts in this region.

The Six-Day War in 1967, provoked by fake news – as we would call it today – from the USSR, became the pretext for military action. Israel was not always the aggressor, although the country’s methods since then increasingly point to terrorist tendencies in Tel Aviv.

The operational methods were also adopted – not only in Israel – from the experiences of the gradual implementation of the totalitarian system in Germany.

The events of October 7, 2023 were planned and ordered by the Israeli authorities. Netanyahu’s goal was to find a pretext to get rid of the annoying host of these countries – Palestine – once and for all. That is why today we see the tragedy of the Palestinian people. If Israel graciously allows the Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip, we will see another wave of migrants in Europe.

In Gaza – mainly on the Mediterranean coast – Israel plans to build tourist infrastructure and exclusive hotels to provide a point of contact for those who are indifferent to the fate of the Palestinian people and thus provide economic support to terrorists in the Knesset.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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