744. Polish minister admits …
744. Polish minister admits …

744. Polish minister admits …

Vienna 09/13/2024

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Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, who thought he was talking to former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, spoke openly about his plans for Poland to enter the war with Russia. I have already written about Russian comedians Lexus and Vovan. This time they made the Polish minister confess his goals.

Vovan and Lexus pranked Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski.

Tomasz Röper wrote yesterday on Anti-spiegel.ru in the article: ussian pranksters frame Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski. Source.

Sikorski emphasized that “there is no desire in Western Europe to wage war with Russia.” And he added: My prime minister wouldn’t want to do that. You know that we are now discussing whether we should launch Russian cruise missiles over your airspace from our airspace. And even that is very, very controversial at this stage. And there is no agreement on this because that would mean entering the war.

Sikorski is aware of the consequences of implementing his war policy. He represents Poland and is seeking war with a nuclear power. Implementing his plans would release NATO from its obligation to defend Poland, as Poland would willingly enter the war with Russia. Who does Mr. Sikorski work for?

Radosław Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, was fooled by Russian comedians. He thought he was talking to Petro Poroshenko.
Sikorski explained to the Russians the intricacies of Ukraine’s EU and NATO accession, Poland’s domestic politics and nuclear sharing.
When Polish President Duda was tricked by the same people into talking to Macron, Minister Sikorski mocked it, writing: “God save Poland, because they can’t.”
Now the same people have fooled him.

A few days ago, the Elbe Bridge in Dresden collapsed, presumably due to age. Rumors of Russian sabotage appeared in the systemic media. There is a response from Moscow:

In connection with the collapse of the Charles Bridge (19th-century Saxon Queen’s Bridge) in Dresden, Mr. Vladimir P. from Moscow asks whether his passport was by any chance found in the Elbe near the site of the disaster?

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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