733. CBDC and Gaza
733. CBDC and Gaza

733. CBDC and Gaza

Vienna 03/31/2024

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An interesting analysis of these two seemingly unrelated topics appeared on kla.tv.

Is the Netanyahu Government connected to Hamas somehow? Are there ways to end the war in Gaza? Which parallels, connections and processes in the background connect this war with the Ukraine war? And: What is the difference between Apple Pay and CBDCs? Why are 93% of all central banks actively part of developing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)? Don’t miss James Corbett’s cutting edge analysis and predictions on these topics. Source.

The elements that connect these two problems are their perpetrators. The conflict in Gaza did not break out suddenly and unexpectedly on October 7, 2023. It was carefully planned over many years and implemented step by step. Likewise, central bank digital money – CBDC – was carefully planned by well-paid specialists and currently intensive work is underway around the world – including in the BRICS countries – to implement this new virtual means of payment and adapt it to the financial world of many countries.

The world is full of hypocrisy and driven by the current short-sighted needs of lying propaganda. Where are the times when we were convinced that the government really does everything for our good? Today he actually does everything for the good of… well, who? Certainly not the nation that elected him.

The video above features the head of BlackRock, the world’s largest company in terms of assets under management. Larry Fink – if anyone is behind this totalitarian takeover of the world, it is certainly him. His company has financial resources (as of July 2024) of 10.6 trillion US dollars. Source. For comparison: in 2021, the value of all goods and services produced in the EU (gross domestic product – GDP) was 14.5 trillion euros. Source. The equivalent of 15.7 trillion US dollars. With such resources at your disposal, you can corrupt almost any government in the world. It did not work in Belarus.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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