730. Hostage of Paris
730. Hostage of Paris

730. Hostage of Paris

Vienna 08/27/2024

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Pavel Durov – the founder of Telegram, a billionaire living in Dubai, was arrested on Saturday night when he landed in Paris, where he had reserved a table in a restaurant. Many people ask: why did he, who had access to all the information published on Telegram and knew that he was at risk of arrest in France, still go to Paris for dinner?

How so? Didn’t Putin have him arrested? The Kremlin ruler also tried to access Telegram users’ data, which is why Telegram moved to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. However, it was not Putin, but the supposedly “law-abiding” Macron who gave this political order to his government-dependent judges.

Elon Musk, who is in a similar situation due to the “X” platform, commented on Durov’s arrest: It’s 2030 in Europe and you get executed for liking a meme. Source.

The absurd accusations of the French prosecutor – similar to those made in the case of Julian Assange and many other activists – are intended to conceal the real reason for this lawlessness. Telegram cannot be controlled by the totalitarian government systems that dominate most of Europe. For the oppressors who want to force people to think according to their “only correct” ideology, this is a sin of the first order. The plague of censorship, attempts at corruption and the intimidation of free people are the only weapons in the hands of these global conspirators.

An interesting commentary on Durov’s arrest was written by a Ukrainian journalist living in Chile, Oleg Vladyslavovich Yasiński. Source: Telegram 08/25/2024 21:45.

However, you have to be an alien in a sense, to jump in your jet into the sky among pink ponies with your intelligence and the amount of information about the modern world and not foresee the current situation.

Some people suspect that Durov wanted to prevent an assassination attempt on his life, which is a very real threat today. I do not believe that is his motive. A striking example of the fate of John McAfee, who died in a Spanish prison, contradicts this theory. In my opinion, Durov, who has almost unlimited resources, fell into the trap of the feeling of invulnerability that people who live in luxury and have limited contact with normal life feel. As a supporter of freedom of speech, he became the enemy of much more influential people. If he does not give in and allow the secret services access to the private data of Telegram users, he now faces many years in prison.

Restrictions on freedom of speech are only felt by those who have their own opinion.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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