728. Deadly air
728. Deadly air

728. Deadly air

Ostrzeszów/Poland 08/24/2024

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Dust from the Sahara – another lie of genocidal people fighting against the world’s “overpopulation”. In April this year, the media talked about Saharan dust that was brought by the wind to Greece and much of Europe.

At least researchers have come to the conclusion that the dust is much too fine! The grain sizes range from 1 micrometer to 200 nm (< 100 nm the particles are cell-permeable). It is an obvious indication, but whether it appears in the “Sahara dust” due to abrasive, very strong winds or human addition (more likely) remains to be seen at present, but quite atypical elements have been found there in small grain sizes, such as aluminum, which has a very toxic effect, leads to root rot and also causes bees to die in densely packed areas. Source.

Didn’t know until now that “Sahara dust” contains 90% magnetically active parts.
Source: Telegram 04/10/2024 r. 07:19

System-independent researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina collected dust samples that fell to the ground in Dobošnica Donja near Lukavaca and, for comparison, sand samples from the shore of a lake in southern Tunisia and sent them to the Institute of Chemical Engineering in Tuzla in June this year.

In his Kla.TV speech on May 11, 2024, Kla.TV founder Ivo Sasek expressed for the first time that he suspected that the new kind of Sahara dust precipitation might have more to do with the use of long-patented weather weapons than with Sahara sand. Here is an initial analysis report which states that at least 26 chemical elements, some of which are highly toxic, are trickling down on our heads with every so-called Sahara dust rainfall. Source.

The poisoning of the air by airplanes spraying large amounts of toxic nanoparticles affects everyone. Both local residents and immigrants from other continents are equally poisoned by these substances. I think Davos in Switzerland also got its dose. This type of weapon works in the same way as nuclear weapons – it destroys everything and everyone.

You can’t save the contented slaves. German TV station ZDF reported that only the Greens will die out!

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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