726. Psychological bioterrorism
726. Psychological bioterrorism

726. Psychological bioterrorism

Ostrzeszów/Poland 08/21/2024

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In yesterday’s article: Dr. Robert Malone Warns Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism, published on the platform amg-news.com (American Media Group), we read:

Dr. Robert Malone warns that the Monkeypox outbreak is a psychological bioterrorism campaign designed to manipulate and control the public through fear. Explore how media manipulation, fear tactics, and the erosion of civil liberties are part of a larger battle between good and evil. Discover the truth and learn how to resist in this critical fight for freedom.

Dr. Robert Malone – co-developer of mRNA technology – raises the alarm and claims: Monkeypox isn’t just another health scare; it’s a tool—a calculated act of psychological bioterrorism designed to manipulate and control. This is not just a warning about a virus; it’s a call to arms in a battle between good and evil, freedom and tyranny.

How “flying monkeys” manipulate us.

In the article above you will find tips on how to deal with the fear spread by the media and avoid manipulation. Manipulation is also an issue in medical and microbiology courses. When such an experienced and widely respected scientist claims that vaccines have historically been one of the most effective tools in public health – the only sentence from this article that I could disagree with – shows how each of us is manipulated, mostly unconsciously. However, it would be difficult to question every theory that is taught to students as self-evident. Therefore, in this mass of knowledge we also accept the erroneous part that someone deliberately introduced into the course a long time ago. A perfect example is the cholesterol lie. If you know a doctor who questions the officially promoted role of cholesterol, he is an extraordinary person who not only acquired knowledge during his studies but also became interested in the inconsistency of the claims about cholesterol.

The vast majority, not just doctors, follow the following rule:

Courage, in this context, is the willingness to face fear without succumbing to it. It’s the strength to stand against the tide of conformity and speak the truth, even when it’s unpopular. Resistance, on the other hand, is the action that must follow this courage. It’s the refusal to be controlled by fear, the refusal to comply with tyranny, and the refusal to surrender our freedoms without a fight.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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