725. On both sides of the front!
725. On both sides of the front!

725. On both sides of the front!

Ostrzeszów/Poland 08/20/2024

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Many journalists paid for their work in war zones with their lives. In the Gaza Strip, many war reporters were murdered despite or because of their visibility to the Israeli army. It is not easy to get close to the front. You have to get the consent of the parties to the conflict, and they are reluctant to take a look at journalists whose publications they cannot control. It is much more difficult to return alive from such a business trip.

Patrik Baab – German reporter and political scientist.
Website patrikbaab.de.

Patrik Baab is not one of those “journalists” who copy news and its only correct interpretation from several news agencies such as Reuters, CNN & Co. Patrik Baab reached both sides of the front in Ukraine and in the Donbas. Very interesting reflections on the background of the war in Ukraine can be seen and heard in an interview conducted almost a year ago. Interview in German. English subtitles available.

Although this is not a new interview from a few days ago, the analysis itself, an objective look at the war or even statistical data on casualties and losses from the Israeli intelligence service Mossad make this interview worth watching. In an interview, Patrik Baab mentions an eyewitness who saw American Himars rocket launchers offered on the black market in Donbas. Apparently, 70% of the equipment intended for the Ukrainian army also goes to the “enemies” on the black market. This way, Russian soldiers on the battlefield do not have to acquire American launchers to learn their secrets – they just have to buy more interesting ones. Money does not stink – pecunia non olet.

If you are interested in current front-line details of this war, I recommend the relatively objective German-language YouTube channel Weltgespräch, which presents current front-line news from both sides of the conflict and from independent sources. This channel also offers the option of turning on English subtitles.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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