723. World tyranny
723. World tyranny

723. World tyranny

Korbielów/Poland 08/18/2024

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David Icke – a British investigative journalist, presents the principles and goals of the global revolution we are all experiencing during the 20th AZK Conference in the latest kla.tv presentation. AZK – Anti-Zensur-Koalition (Anti-Censorship Coalition) was founded in 2008 by Ivo Sasek (KLA.TV) from Switzerland.

The British investigative journalist and educator David Icke connects apparently independent current events in a brilliant way on the 20th AZK conference. He reveals the ONE underlying conspiracy. His motto: “Know the goal, then you will see the way leading there!” In the interview he does not mince his words and shows also how even free educators are in danger to support the development of a centrally dictated global dystopia. This presentation is a MUST-SEE for every truth seeker. Source.

This interview is worth listening to. For many people, it will be very controversial. Especially for those people who divide the world into enemies and friends – which most people do. The interview talks a lot about the role of Donald Trump and Elon Musk in the conspiracy they are officially fighting against. You may not agree with the claims that they are part of the black forces seeking world domination. I also believe that people are just people and cannot be thrown into the black and white picture of the world that we have in our heads. Nevertheless, there is a global conspiracy. I write about it all the time in this blog.

A good example of the ineffectiveness of global doctrine training is Viktor Orban, who trained in Davos in 1993 together with Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and Tony Blair. One could say that they were at the same school desk. However, Orban’s political path is clearly anti-globalization, because the arguments of the globalists are in extreme contradiction to his beliefs.

You take health advice from people who profit from your illnesses?!

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
Email: worldscam3@gmail.com

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