719. One billion views
719. One billion views

719. One billion views

Korbielów/Poland 08/14/2024

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Elon Musk’s conversation with Donald Trump had an unprecedented number of views on the Internet – about a billion.

What did they talk about? You can read about it in the GATEWAY PUNDIT article. If you’re curious, you can listen to the entire conversation on YouTube.

They talked about X for two hours.

It was not an interview, there were no prepared and agreed questions. It was a conversation between two popular people. A conversation that globalists cannot control. And it was this lack of oversight that made it so popular. Four hours before the conversation, EU Commission member Thierry Breton wrote a threatening letter to Elon Musk.

Why were they so afraid to spread the content of that conversation? They accuse us of “disinformation” – that is, telling the truth or otherwise promoting content that is not compatible with the only correct line of the Communist Party of United Europe. Who decides what content is disinformation? The same people who invent their totalitarian theories and thus defend them against independent news that they do not control.

Of course, the figure of a billion views is debatable. I don’t know if there are that many English-speaking people in the world. Views are not the same as the number of people who listened to this conversation. I did it myself twice. But is that a problem? Even if 500 million people listened to this discussion willingly and with interest, it is still a world record. It is certainly not the 500 million that the conspirators of the world want to keep alive. I wrote about this in the article Decalogue.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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