718. Camps for asymptomatic people
718. Camps for asymptomatic people

718. Camps for asymptomatic people

Korbielów/Poland 08/12(2024

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The photo below of an Australian camp for people who tested positive for dung appeared three years ago in my article: Australian winters.

The Howard Springs quarantine facility was originally a village for oil and gas workers.

There were also such camps in China – at least that’s what I’ve heard about these two countries. There were also plans in other countries to set up such concentration sites for people. Recently published documents from the German Robert Koch Institute show that plans to set up camps for asymptomatic people who tested positive were also considered in Germany.

Excerpt from the RKI protocols on the construction of camps in Germany. 10/26/2020. Translation below.

! The decline in cases seems to be due to central isolation (no isolation in one’s own household) or lockdown. Question: Is the decline in cases in Australia due to a similar approach?
! Regarding the number of cases in China, it should be noted that these are official government figures.
! Discussion on whether the
Chinese concept of isolation (for mild cases) outside the home would also be conceivable in Germany, since many infections currently occur in the home environment? Because this would mean a significant restriction of fundamental rights. If we currently do not have the appropriate staff and locations, this will be difficult to implement. Given the current number of cases, it may already be too late to implement such a measure.

TODO: INIG (International Health Information Center) will prepare slides on Australia.
TODO: INIG should investigate whether there are other countries that have successfully implemented the same measures as China.

Certainly, governments of other countries that cultivate Western, pseudo-democratic values ​​also have such ideas.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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