716. Streets are burning in Great Britain
716. Streets are burning in Great Britain

716. Streets are burning in Great Britain

Ostrzeszów/Poland 08/09(2024

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Everyone has probably heard about the tragedy that occurred on July 29th this year in a small port town in Great Britain 20 kilometers north of Liverpool – Southport. For no reason, the 17-year-old black schoolboy attacked children who were attending dance lessons with a knife. Three girls aged 6, 8 and 9 died.

© Ian Forsyth/Getty Images / Getty Images.

In England, there were mass protests by angry natives. Immigrants also organized street battles with protesting Englishmen. The British government sided with the immigrants. Police restrictions were announced because of the expression of “hate speech” in comments on social media.

Official media throughout the Western world report on provocations by the extreme right against innocent invaders, as immigrants are commonly called. Of course, only a certain proportion of these invaders are aggressive towards the population of the countries in which they live. However, this is enough to create divisions and fuel the aggression of the bandits through the lenient treatment of these criminals by the courts.

Yesterday an article was published in the Swiss Uncut News: In the UK you can be arrested for just one RETWEET: “The Woke Stasi”. Sorce. For those who don’t know, the Stasi was the security service in the GDR.

The British government is threatening to arrest anyone who shares or even “retweets” images of the country’s unrest. British media are talking about a “temporary” ban on social media. Surprisingly, such “temporary bans” have a tendency to turn into permanent regulations.

Source: Telegram 08/09/2024 09:45.
An elderly Englishman was beaten by Muslims and then… arrested by the police! Britain is dying…
Source: Telegram 08/09/2024 10:57.

The current video from Liverpool shows the situation in British cities.

Chaos on the streets of Liverpool.
Source: Telegram 08/09/2024 09:18.
A black immigrant stabbed another police officer to death in Gateshead, UK. Source: Telegram 08/09/2024 04:48 pm.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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