715. The miserable end of the last generation
715. The miserable end of the last generation

715. The miserable end of the last generation

Ostrzeszów/Poland 08/07/2024

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The “Last Generation Austria” announced its dissolution on Tuesday. The criminal group says goodbye with accusations and absurd accusations. For Austrians, who have repeatedly fallen victim to the crimes of so-called activists, this decision should be a reason to celebrate. This information appeared in today’s Report24.news article: The Austrians have won: The last generation is dissolving. Source.

“We recognize that Austria wants to remain ignorant of fossil fuels and accepts that it is partly responsible for the deaths of billions of people. You can read about it on the account of Last Generation Austria on X. In small Austria with 9 million inhabitants, the threat of billions of victims is indeed a serious matter.

They presented unrealistic visions of climate catastrophe. We were all supposed to burn from the hellish heat. The theory of climate change was based on lies. Naturally, pollution is largely caused by humans. The catastrophic state of rivers and air pollution are clearly the result of predatory tendencies of industrial development. Often those who are now fighting against “global warming” were responsible for poisoning our rivers until recently.

Why was the false theory of global warming put forward in the first place? To rob us. This is done by imposing a carbon tax. We might as well be taxed on the use of oxygen in the air. Both are necessary for life to exist on Earth. Moreover, this climate hysteria fits perfectly with the trends of the Great Reset.

The first generation of idiots.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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