714. Poisonous stripes
714. Poisonous stripes

714. Poisonous stripes

Vienna 08/02/2024

Entire blog as a free PDF eBook.

Why are huge sums of money being invested in geoengineering? This is one way to trigger a climate crisis. From this perspective, it can be argued that climate change is indeed man-made.

Just normal clouds! Just like vaccine damage, chemtrails and geoengineering do not exist!
Source: Telegram 05/12/2024 16:31.

Kristen Meghan worked for the US Air Force as an environmental specialist and became a witness to geoengineering. In this short interview she shares her first-hand knowledge and insights. Source.

If you don’t believe it, I recommend a website that presents 300 patents in the field of geoengineering. Source.

A pilot accidentally (or not) leaves “contrails” at an airport. Source: Telegram 07/11/2024 17:13.
Passengers on the plane recorded a spectacular video showing the Boeing 787 Dreamliner leaving a gigantic chemical trail!
Source: Telegram 07/12/2024 17:59.
Do you remember what beautiful weather looked like 10 years ago?

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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