713. Tetanus – another lie
713. Tetanus – another lie

713. Tetanus – another lie

Vienna 07/30/2024

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Yes, BUT at least the tetanus shot is important and works… That’s what vaccine advocates say. Most of us are probably vaccinated against tetanus. When I was injured as a child, I received that vaccine.

According to the WHO, the active ingredient in the tetanus vaccination, which has been used since the 1970s, causes miscarriages in women. With each subsequent injection, it accumulates in the body, causing the mother’s body to attack the fetus early.

Dr. Carrie Madej received her medical degree from Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2001. She trained in Georgia to become an Internal Medicine physician and served as medical director, private clinician, and associate professor of medical students at PCOM in Georgia.

Dr. Madej became known on social media in 2020, when she sounded the alarm on the experimental Covid shots.  Her experience over the years have educated her on the plan for transhumanism, genetic modification, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence for humanity. Source.

The myth of the tetanus vaccine.
Source: Telegram July 05 2023 19:37.

This issue was discussed in May 2018 by The Sunday Guardian (New Delhi – India) in the article: Ethical questions surround vaccine to reduce fertility.

The vaccine programme was promoted by the WHO and the Kenyan government, funded by the Gates Foundation. Mothers-to-be were encouraged to take the vaccine to prevent tetanus in their unborn babies, without being told that the vaccine would prevent the baby from ever being born.

Five years ago, I cut off the tip of my finger while slicing bread on an electric slicer. The wound was so severe that I went to the outpatient clinic of a nearby hospital where my wound was treated professionally. I was surprised when the doctor told me that my fingertip would grow back. This actually happened. At that outpatient clinic, I was offered a tetanus shot. Although I did not read the article from Delhi at the time, I did not agree to the vaccination because I did not want to poison my body with additional portions of mercury and aluminum. I had to sign a statement refusing the vaccination, which I gladly did.

There is no decision to vaccinate, because decisions require knowledge, and those who know do not vaccinate.
Dr. med. Fritz Roithinger.

What the doctor thought was less important to me than my health, or more accurately, my idea of ​​it. The doctor forgot about me when she moved on to the next patient, and five years later I still think I did the right thing.

The freedom of men does not consist in doing what they will, but in not having to do what they do not want.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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