708. Summer heat
708. Summer heat

708. Summer heat

Vienna 07/19/2024

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Heat in summer? That’s not normal! Unless we believe the climate hysterics’ theory that metal melts at temperatures above 35 °C. Of course. After all, 1,538 °C – the melting point of iron – also falls under this definition.

The symbol of Paris fell victim to the summer heat.

Propaganda of absurd theories about an ecological catastrophe from which only higher taxes can save us, the spread of fears that we will swelter in heat hell, the mass blaming of this situation on carbon dioxide, without which life on Earth cannot exist, weather maps on television with red tones in the background at 22 °C, all this serves one purpose: the universal fear that makes us submit to the most senseless actions in order to ward off an imaginary threat.

The greatest threat today is global delusion.

Today I will not cite numerous scientific studies that refute this ecological madness. We are not having a substantive discussion of the arguments anyway. Instead, unfounded claims are propagated as the only real truth. This happened with Plandemic C, just as claims about the effectiveness of the elixir of happiness were falsely labeled as a vaccine, so is the fight against cholesterol, viruses and other pests that help increase the profits of dishonest pharmaceutical companies.

The richest people in the world can’t help the homeless, but they can lower the Earth’s temperature if you pay more taxes…

Every year we read about the hottest summer of the last 100,000 years in the newspaper headlines. Temperature measurements were probably extrapolated to the Earth’s interior.

When will this heat wave finally end?

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik

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