Ostrzeszów/Poland 07/01/2024
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Many people associate patriotism with the brutal struggle of representatives of one nation against other nations. This misleading image has been deliberately conveyed to us by the manipulated media. Authentic patriotism does not consist in hatred towards representatives of other nations. This is a feature of war propaganda. Never has the saying been so true that unity builds, difference destroys.
Representatives of the three largest parties from three European countries signed the Patriotic Manifesto in Vienna on Sunday. Source. These countries are Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary. In this way, the foundation stone was laid for the new EU parliamentary group “Patriots for Europe”. The strengthening of European nation states, the sovereignty of national parliaments instead of the centralist dictatorship from Brussels, the protection of Europe from illegal migration and false climate ideology – these are, in a nutshell, the most important points of interest of this new group.

Film in German. Source. English subtitles can be enabled.
Excerpt from the manifesto: The political fault line today is no longer between conservatives and liberals or between right and left, but between centralists who are ushering in a new European ‘superstate’ and patriots and sovereigntists who are fighting to preserve and strengthen the Europe of nations we value . Only through the victory and cooperation of the patriotic and sovereign parties across the continent can we secure the inheritance of our children.
Today Hungary takes over the EU Council Presidency for six months. “Make Europe Great Again” – that is the European version of the election slogan of US presidential candidate Donald Trump – which is causing great concern to the centralists in Brussels.
The German AfD is open to participating in the new group, but has not yet made a final decision. Formally, representatives from seven countries are needed to establish such a group. The inauguration of the new European Parliament is planned for July 16 in Strasbourg, where the first plenary session will also take place.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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