Puerto de la Cruz/Spain 04/07/2024
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Just as a gang of robbers runs off when caught in their business, or just as the criminal Stasi shredded as many incriminating files as possible shortly before their downfall, many of the highest-ranking panic-mongers are currently in panic mode. Ivo Sasek once again allows us to observe 12 such high-ranking criminal cartels in their flight-like endeavors. Just now they are in the process of shredding all sensitive files in order to conceal their genocides and crimes, if possible. But it might already be too late for that, they have been spotted. Source.
I am often asked why I write this blog? I don’t earn anything from it, but I’m taking the risk. Certainly I was blacklisted along with thousands of other bloggers because it is easy to find out who I am, for example, from an article about my stay in besieged Sarajevo in May 1993, in which I presented two of my documents.
After the globalists took over the world, I would certainly be among those killed or, less likely, isolated from the rest of the slaves. My situation is similar, but not as dramatic as that of the perpetrators of the global conspiracy. Conspiracy, the main topic of this blog. They have something to be afraid of! The anger of people, multiplied billions of times, is a power that no army in the world can match. There are also people in these armies who are exposed to the truth about this world fraud.
In the video presented above, the Swiss founder of the kla.tv platform – Ivo Sasek – also explained my motivations very well. Many of my articles are based on films from kla.tv. The big advantage of this platform is the variety of languages in the videos published. This makes it easier to present these publications on multilingual blogs like this one. The most important thing is of course the content of the films and the good journalistic work of this platform.
When we have thousands of films showing tragic cases of post-vaccination “diseases” like the one shown below, we can imagine these millions of victims dying without television cameras filming these dramas.

Not only hiding the genocide, but also promoting fascist ideology, even if it is laced with climate falsehoods, and presenting it as the only salvation for the world is a means to the end of enslaving all the poor – that is, those, who don’t have billions of dollars at their disposal – and are plundering the remnants of the scattered wealth of people who have something valuable.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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