Ostrzeszów/Poland 03/31/2024
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Michel Chossudovsky jest wielokrotnie nagradzanym autorem, emerytowanym profesorem ekonomii na Uniwersytecie w Ottawie, założycielem i dyrektorem Centrum Badań nad Globalizacją (CRG) w Montrealu, redaktorem Global Research. Source.

March 11, 2020, The biggest lie in world history: There never was a pandemic. The database is incorrect. An article by Michel Chssudowski was published under this title on Globalresearch.ca on March 24th. You can read it in your preferred language by selecting it after clicking “Translate Website”.

The legitimacy of both the Pandemic Treaty and the QR Verification Code under WHO auspices rests on the presumption that the alleged “Covid-19 Pandemic is Real” and that the “mRNA vaccine constitutes a SOLUTION to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.”
Both initiatives are based on outright fraud and corruption. What is the evidence:
1. The Number of “Covid-19 Cumulative Confirmed Cases” resulting from the RT-PCR test did not justify the WHO’s decision to officially launch a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The numbers were ridiculously low. There was no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was spreading nationally or internationally.
2. The Lockdown instructions transmitted in March 2020 to more than 190 member states of the UN are totally invalid.
3. The methodology using the PCR test to detect and identify the SARS-CoV-2 and its alleged variants has been acknowledged by the WHO and the CDC as being totally dysfunctional as outlined above.
4. All the data pertaining to Covid-19 Cumulative Confirmed Cases compiled by national governments and tabulated by the WHO since January 2020 are invalid and meaningless.
5. The Covid-19 Vaccine launched in November 2020 has resulted in an upward Worldwide tide of mortality and morbidity
You can read detailed explanations of these points in the article.

Corona was the first phase in which the possibility that a group of billionaires could take over the world was examined. Psychological warfare tactics based on media manipulation were used. Readers of my blog know this, but society has yet to be made aware of what a huge fraud has been perpetrated over the last four years. This global conspiracy has been carefully crafted and covers virtually all aspects of our lives. The consequence of the plandemic is the expansion of climate fraud to the “causes” that trigger future pandemics. The corrupt WHO makes sure of that. Digital money, introduced by the ministries of digitalization and finance established in many countries. The fight against the national identity of countries through the increase in uncontrolled immigration. Creating chaos and confusion with hundreds of reinvented genders. The fight against disinformation aims to create truth ministries that arbitrarily decide what is true and what is false. Taking control of drinking water sources and producing artificial foods contributed to the struggle between coup plotters and farmers – producers of natural foods.
As you can see, this war, which has been going on for four years, does not take into account national borders, because the only border here is the possession of huge amounts of money. From the oligarchs’ perspective, millionaires are also plebs. They will have no right to survival and freedom unless they absolutely submit to the rules imposed by the new, as yet unfulfilled, rulers of the world. Will they succeed in achieving their goal? I doubt this could be possible.
They need the acceptance of these goals by the majority of the inhabitants of our planet. They bought or forced acceptance from politicians and parliamentarians. However, not everyone allowed themselves to be corrupted and intimidated. If they reach those who only obey the right ideology, the lies necessary to achieve previous goals, for example the recently published protocols of the RKI Covid Commission, must inevitably give rise to considerations about the credibility of television messages. With each passing day, fewer and fewer viewers of The Truth Box believe these infamous lies. This process will continue and independent media will enjoy increasing interest. We have been observing this phenomenon since the beginning of the mass virus hysteria.
Of course, independent media also make mistakes. Some of them even on purpose. We also have trolls who try to manipulate us. For a few months now you can find sensational photos on Telegram like the arrest of Bill Gates, and a few days ago I saw a photo of the arrest of Barack Obama. Such photos have a positive effect on our well-being, but they are deliberate fakes, which is why I am not showing them to you.
NO. The globalists will lose this war against the rest of the world. There is no full consolidation and collaboration at the top of their structures. Of course, this is my analysis, drawn from the history and psychology of power. The only thing that unites them, apart from the utopian vision of world domination, is fear. Fear of the “wrath of the people,” as the communists used to say.

Happy Easter.
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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