Vienna 03/22/2024
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The war in Ukraine has been going on for 10 years. There are those who say it started two years ago. We will not clarify these disputes here; the most important thing for me is the perspective of the victims, especially the civilian ones, but also the military ones. People have been dying in Ukraine for ten years. Of mines, rockets, bullets and other deadly inventions.
It is a real war, albeit a strange one. What was NATO doing in Serbia in 1999 and waging its illegal war? They destroyed the infrastructure. Roads, bridges, railways and power plants. There were no large arms shipments from allies in Serbia. In an article 25 years ago I wrote that NATO destroyed Serbia in two and a half months:
25,000 residential buildings;
595 kilometers of railway lines;
470 kilometers of roads;
44 bridges;
14 airports;
19 hospitals;
69 schools;
18 kindergartens;
176 cultural monuments. Source.
Of course, the Russians also destroyed power plants in Ukraine and many other facilities. However, the railway reaches Kyiv. This is proven by numerous visits by Western politicians. Visits that are allowed to take place provided the Kremlin approves them.
In Ukraine the war lasted, as some say, two years. Despite mass transports of military equipment across Ukraine’s western border with Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, the transport routes for this equipment remain intact. For example, such Patriot missiles are too large to be detected by Russian spy satellites during transport. Even when transporting in pieces. Such transports are monitored by Russian intelligence before they reach Poland or another transit country. The Russians allow them to get there and send a few missiles there at a convenient time for the media to destroy another military base.

Both the US and Russia seem to want the war to last a long time. NATO politicians claimed their goal was to weaken Russia. In the current situation, every day of war weakens the Western side. NATO and Ukraine are running out of ammunition. Most of the military equipment sent to Ukraine was destroyed. Western countries are competing with each other to disarm their armed forces. In this situation, society is afraid of war. A war that cannot be won. There is a lack of soldiers, equipment and the will to fight.
There is also an economic aspect. On March 17, the Russian news agency TASS published an article: “Gazprom supplies 42.1 million cubic meters of gas to Europe via Ukraine.” Source. Information about the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine was also confirmed by the Ukrainian side. Business is business and war does not interfere with the conduct of good business. Europe also does not use the underwater gas pipeline from Russia because its friends destroyed it. However, Russian gas must flow. In Austria, for example, it is used to generate electricity and more.
Six months ago, the New York Times wrote that from February 2022 to August 2023, i.e. within 18 months, half a million people had died in Ukraine.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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