Ostrzeszów/Poland 03/08/2024
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Last Thursday I wrote about Victoria Nuland in Defending Democracy. In the midst of the US presidential election campaign, US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced on Tuesday that Ms Nuland would retire in March. You can read about it in the leading mainstream newspaper, the New York Times. The decision to retire this radical advocate of a tough hand on Moscow was most likely made under the influence of the Democrats’ disastrous electoral situation. They hope to win over the remaining less radical voters to their side.
Victoria Nuland confirmed the following facts in her statements:
- The United States staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014;
- The US has biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine;
- The US had a plan to destroy Nord Stream 2;
- The USA doesn’t care about the EU. Source: Telegram March 5, 2024 9:46 p.m.
This last point, which I strongly support, came to light after the publication of her overheard conversation with the US Ambassador in Kiev – link in the first point of this list – in January 2014.

I hope that the unconfirmed news about the arrest of Victoria Nuland and her husband, which was published yesterday, will cheer you up. We can easily classify this sensational news as a fairy tale, but this fairy tale is exceptionally beautiful and fulfills our dreams, which is why I present it to you here. Such news, this time real, will emerge when the global world fraud collapses. Some people are prepared for this. Mark Zuckerberg is preparing a bunker in Hawaii, Bill Gates is preparing a palace in New Zealand and the retired Anthony Fauci is sure to run away when he finds out who will win November’s presidential election. After all, he advised Trump so well during the dangerous pandemic!

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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