Ostrzexzów/Poland 03/04/2024
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In January of 2024 the World Economic Forum dealt with „Disease X“ in a special session. Why is it 20X more lethal than Covid? What do we have to look out for? Dr. Peter McCullough kindly gave Kla.TV the following very insightful Interview. Source.
In an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough said the fittest will survive the next Plague X pandemic. Not necessarily those with stronger immune systems, but those who won’t be fooled by the next fear campaign. The experience of the fear pandemic in 2020 and beyond clearly shows that those who are not deceived by aggressive propaganda on television and other media have the greatest chance of survival.
Never before in human history have vaccines stopped a pandemic. Whenever the pandemic subsided, vaccination campaigns were launched just to take credit for “effectively” controlling the plague. I know many people who get the flu year after year immediately after being vaccinated. I’m going to be mean and say that the global consortium that announces every year which flu “viruses” will be hot that year is probably made up of famous TV “experts” who understand the dangers of Covid-19 so well that they recognize it.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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