Vienna 02/24/2024
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In October 2020, in the article Class Action, I described the establishment of an extra-parliamentary commission of inquiry into crimes related to the plandemic in Germany. The driving force behind these activities and the main character was Dr. Reiner Füllmich, a German-American lawyer. He was tricked into entering the German embassy in Mexico and was kidnapped. After being forced to fly to Germany, he was arrested at Frankfurt Airport on October 13, 2023.
On Tuesday an article appeared on the Swiss platform UNCUT-NEWS: Illegal arrest and kidnapping of Reiner Füllmich. Source. The lawsuit against a well-known lawyer definitely has political undertones. If the court prohibits the defense from disclosing information about the existence of evidence that the proceedings were tampered with and ignores all requests from the defendant, there can be no fair consideration of the case.

Another article Money for nothing: An interview with Reiner Fuellmich (source) was published yesterday on the German platform Apolut.
I say kidnapping because they actually needed an international arrest warrant. But they didn’t have that. The file shows that they didn’t have it. And, the file further shows that, it says literally, I was lured to Tijuana under the pretext, literally, it says in there, that we had passport problems. That’s not true. Luckily, my wife and I were there together, so although it’s a bit of a shame of course because we had to spend a night in jail, my wife’s release is confirmation that these passport problems were indeed faked. If you are interested in more details, I recommend you read this article in Apolut.
The wrong person was definitely arrested:

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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