Vienna 02/18/2024
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The goal, ultimately, is to transform our free and democratic societies into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each and every one of us of our fundamental rights, of freedom, democracy, the rule of law. They want to get rid of all of this. In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well being of regular people, and it isn’t any different now. The so-called “pandemic” was a beta test—conducted by unelected globalists—to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global “emergency”. For god’s sake, stop complying. Start rebelling. They are out to get you if you do not resist. These words were spoken by an MEP from the only truly oppositional German AfD, Christine Anderson.
It would be difficult to better describe the situation our world is currently in. The plan to conquer the world, carefully developed for over a century, is now entering its decisive phase. The EU Parliament elections in June, if not cheated, will have a decisive impact on the future shape of this bureaucratic behemoth, which has become a useful tool in the hands of the globalists. Likewise the US presidential elections in November. Parliamentary elections will also take place in small Austria in September. The FPÖ is a party that plays a similar role to the AfD in Germany.
Most people are not interested in politics. Find out what such ignorance can lead to in this short, one-minute excerpt from the Polish comedy Vabank II. The scene takes place on the Polish-German border before the Second World War.

Source. English Subtitles Marek Wójcik.
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Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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