Vienna 02/15/2024
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On November 30, 2023, New Zealand officially notified the WHO of its rejection of the 2022 IHR amendments.
New Zealand and up to three other countries have rejected controversial amendments, proposed in 2022 by the Biden administration to the World Health Organization’s 2005 International Health Regulations. Quote from yesterday’s article in The Defender entitled: WHO shows signs of ‘desperation’ as New Zealand and Iran reject changes to international health regulations.
The head of the WHO, the terrorist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expresses fears about the failure of the treaty, which deprives nation states of their rights through the WHO. He fears the world will not coordinate action to prevent a future WHO-caused plandemic.
This is a battle victory, but the war against the globalist coup against world power is far from won. Even if this shameful contract is rejected in May, the criminals behind it will have no choice but to continue this fight. The WHO is one of many, but in my opinion extremely important, fronts in this hybrid war. There is also the food front (they want to starve us), that is, the destruction of food producers who are smaller than corporations like Nestle – farmers. There is also a form of slavery based on monetary control – CDBC. Another front is leading to the collapse of industry in previously industrially developed countries. There is currently only one industry sector that is successful: the defense industry.
The biological weapons depopulation and vaccination front has already demonstrated its capabilities thanks to the efforts of the WHO. As more and more people suddenly and unexpectedly fall on the road, the Chinese have invented airbags to protect pedestrians.

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Author of the article: Marek Wojcik
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