Wroclaw/Poland 06/11/2023
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The topic of crime by pharmaceutical companies comes up again and again in my blog. In 1984, Bethesda (USA) hosted the major “NHI Consensus Development Conference on Lowering Blood Cholesterol for the Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease”. The resulting 1988 guidelines became the gold standard for how and who should be treated. Source. It is estimated that just by changing the then-recommended blood cholesterol level from 300 mg/dl to 200 mg/dl, more than a billion healthy people around the world could be classified as having “high” cholesterol.
I used this example to show that the main goal of the pharmaceutical industry is profit. Rockefeller medicine as we have it in the western world today is largely controlled by greedy drug companies. In California, doctors who try to help cancer patients in any way other than chemotherapy end up in prison. This is a very effective method of maintaining an ineffective method of “treating” cancer by poisoning the body while ineffectively destroying cancer cells. Chemotherapy was developed shortly after the end of World War I. At that time, the mustard gas supplies that remained after the war were used for this purpose.
One of the side effects of the Elixir of Happiness – as I sarcastically call the doggedly propagated genocide – is the epidemic of oncological diseases.
At the beginning of March 2023, a press conference was held on the topic “Gene-based ‘Vaccines’ – The Pharmaceutical Crime of the Century?”. In short statements, the expert speakers clarified the enormous extent of the COVID “vaccination” damage. Not only do the “vaccinations” not work but above all they harm! The stated facts increasingly speak for this Corona vaccination having to be a bio-weapon! Source.
More and more information about the deadly effects of mRNA “vaccines” is reaching a wide audience. It’s no longer just a closed group of people trying to find out the truth. And that truth is becoming more and more accessible, even to those who passively expect to get it on a plate, like a dish in a restaurant.
Why is this happening? Why are the candidates for world power now allowing their allies to tremble with fear? The answer is simple. Former loyal comrades in the struggle for world government, they are used up and no longer useful. What is useful, however, is the division of the gray mass of people, how they treat us, and therapeutic activity – that is, seeking revenge for crimes committed by their subordinates with their consent. It definitely needs to be addressed – that’s for sure. We currently have 8 billion 38 million inhabitants on earth. There are enough people on earth who are willing and able to confront a fair account of the Holocaust. Both the activists and the rest of the population should be alert to further attempts by the globalists.
The proposed takeover of all control over the people – the WHO treaty, digital money, 15-minute cities and all of China’s other best practices – could be the start of the enslavement of the earth. Passively waiting for what is to come, escaping the multi-gender reality turned into a virtual world, global warming and the threat of nuclear war are actively supporting and accelerating the moment of handing over power over the world into the hands of the ruthless creators of today’s global nightmare. A nightmare that neither George Orwell nor Aldous Huxley predicted in their books.

Truth is the new hate speech.
Telling the truth in the age of mendacity is a revolutionary act. George Orwell.
Author of the article: Marek Wojcik