Vienna 04/23/2023
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Ever since investigative journalist Naomi Wolf and her DailyClout team launched a project to review declassified Pfizer documents for the public, more facts have emerged proving the company’s mafia-esque business practices. Her team included hundreds of high-profile professionals of all stripes, including Naomi’s former nemesis Steve Bannon.
Due to unethical marketing strategies and negligence in the manufacture of drugs, the pharmaceutical mafia have been forced by courts to pay gigantic fines. Pfizer was sentenced to more than 1.6 billion euros in damages for corruption and illegal marketing practices. However, with profits many times greater than those losses, the big pharma cartels simply pay the fines and continue to pursue their criminal interests.
Pfizer knew from the start that mRNA “vaccines” damage patients’ hearts, but it took months before the results of the research were published. It also came to light that in the first 12 weeks of the vaccine’s launch, 61 people died from stroke – half of the side effects of a stroke occurred within days of the injection.
Yes, up until now Big-Pharma has been allowed to continue its terrorist and genocidal practices unchallenged, together with all its criminal accomplices from politics, media and economy, together with its accomplices from science, justice, religion etc. Source of the quote and inspiration for my comment:

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik