Vienna 7/08/2022
John Miller, a journalist from Britain, came to Donbass to do his job. In this English-language video with German text, he tells the journalist Alina Lipp about his shock:
(John Miller) There isn’t a single English or American journalist here, from any TV to speak of!
I am shocked – this is the first war in Europe for a long time and no journalist has appeared on this side of the conflict.
I made a report near the school right after the bombs fell near my home. The school was hit.
Teachers died at school. I made a report for some information to appear in the west – we stand here and make a report on this event. My first report was that the Ukrainian army is shooting at civilians here. It’s hard to believe, but they don’t report it.
We’re sitting in the hotel like we are now and hear the Ukrainian missile hitting somewhere nearby. We should check it out, but it’s too dangerous.
But it really happened, we’re here all day and there are attacks all day, you can’t fall asleep all the time. Here the Ukrainian army is shooting at civilians. That’s a fact!
(Alina Lipp) And in the west it is not mentioned.
(John Miller) Because it’s uncomfortable. Because of Russia, of course. In the West, there is talk of many civilians dying from Russian attacks. These civilians are dying in western Ukraine.
We are here in Donetsk and the Ukrainian army is shooting at civilians. Why do they do that? Partly to intimidate civilians, not to support the separatists. I think they also do it because there are no western reporters here, because every reporter should write the truth. Okay, not all, but most I think.
However, after this last explosion, every journalist has to run to the site of the explosion – I think this happens every day and we will not report on every attack because it is one of many explosions.
Western media have to say that the Ukrainian army has been shooting at peaceful civilians for many years.
Alina Lipp: German-Russian journalist writes for peace. An investigation has been launched into her case in Germany. If she is convicted, she faces up to three years in prison because she has a different opinion than the federal government on the events in Donbass. So much for freedom of expression in Germany. Source of information about Alina Lipp.

Author of the article: Marek Wojcik