Vienna 9/21/2020
robably nothing shared us more than the problem of the mask.
The mask protects against the virus, but certainly not. Much scientific research has been done on this subject.
The German virologist Professor Sucharit Bhakdi made a good, logical argument in his bestseller “Corona – false alarm?”:
“Corona virus size: 160 nanometers (0.16 micrometers), size “pores” in simple cotton masks 0.3 micrometers.
The virus flies through conventional masks or cloth mouth and nose covers as if through an open window.”
Statistics from many countries also show that the introduction of a mask requirement in April did not affect the course of the plandemic.

So much for the logical arguments against wearing a mask.
You would ask: are there other arguments?
Yes there are some – emotional ones. Mainly based on fear. But not only. There are concerns for other people too.
As you can see, such arguments can have a powerful impact on people as the vast majority of people wear masks and many of these people want to convince those who do not want to wear them to change their behavior.
I will give you an example that I myself saw last Saturday at the demonstration in Vienna against the anti-coronavirus measures introduced.
I recorded videos to post on YouTube.
While I was recording a lawyer’s speech about the work of the Austrian Constitutional Court, two young girls appeared before me.
I asked one of them to step back while she was between me and the stage. They both stood facing back – I didn’t know they were wearing masks.

You can see this scene from 9:08 onwards in this video. They turned and the one I lightly touched on the shoulder screamed: “You kill people!”
They weren’t aggressive – they were very excited.
Although they appear to have been driven by fear of the coronavirus, they have shown great courage to step into the “lions den” which they believe poses a threat to public health.
This example shows how successful mass propaganda in the media has been and still is.
I want to make it clear here that, as proponents of logical argument willingly say, people who are driven by emotion are not stupid at all.
You would define yourself as empathetic people.
If we want to convince such people, we will certainly fail if we accuse them of stupidity.

Author: Marek Wojcik